Category theory is a branch of abstract algebra with incredibly diverse
applications. This text and reference book is aimed not only at
mathematicians, but also researchers and students of computer science,
logic, linguistics, cognitive science, philosophy, and any of the other
fields in which the ideas are being applied. Containing clear
definitions of the essential concepts, illuminated with numerous
accessible examples, and providing full proofs of all important
propositions and theorems, this book aims to make the basic ideas,
theorems, and methods of category theory understandable to this broad
readership. Although assuming few mathematical pre-requisites, the
standard of mathematical rigour is not compromised. The material covered
includes the standard core of categories; functors; natural
transformations; equivalence; limits and colimits; functor categories;
representables; Yoneda's lemma; adjoints; monads. An extra topic of
cartesian closed categories and the lambda-calculus is also provided - a
must for computer scientists, logicians and linguists! This Second
Edition contains numerous revisions to the original text, including
expanding the exposition, revising and elaborating the proofs, providing
additional diagrams, correcting typographical errors and, finally,
adding an entirely new section on monoidal categories. Nearly a hundred
new exercises have also been added, many with solutions, to make the
book more useful as a course text and for self-study.
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