This unusually well-written, skillfully organized introductory text
provides an exhaustive survey of ordinary differential equations —
equations which express the relationship between variables and their
derivatives. In a disarmingly simple, step-by-step style that never
sacrifices mathematical rigor, the authors — Morris Tenenbaum of Cornell
University, and Harry Pollard of Purdue University — introduce and
explain complex, critically-important concepts to undergraduate students
of mathematics, engineering and the sciences.
The book begins with a
section that examines the origin of differential equations, defines
basic terms and outlines the general solution of a differential
equation-the solution that actually contains
every solution of
such an equation. Subsequent sections deal with such subjects as:
integrating factors; dilution and accretion problems; the algebra of
complex numbers; the linearization of first order systems; Laplace
Transforms; Newton's Interpolation Formulas; and Picard's Method of
Successive Approximations.
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